You may get an error that there is not enough space on a client share when you try to copy files to it. That may actually be the case, but before putting in a ticket, please try to copy smaller amounts of data at a time to the volume. It may work for you then, and you wont need to wait for IT support.

This is because the shares are created with a certain amount of space assigned to them, but also a set amount that they can expand to if needed. Typically starting at 10Gb, they are able to "Auto-grow" up either to 50Gb or 100Gb.

How it works is as the drive fills up and more files are added to the point it gets too close to filling the current capacity, it will expand the capacity automatically to keep a certain percentage of free space. But if the space required to copy files that are being moved to the share exceeds the current capacity before it gets to the threshold that will trigger an auto-expansion, it will give the "Disk full" error that you saw. 
For example, if the volume has 10GB total capacity and 2 GB of free space, and then you try to copy 3GB of files onto it, it will give you the error. But if you copy 1.5GB of the 3GB you need to upload first, it will meet the threshold and expand to say, 15GB. Then you can transfer the remaining 1.5GB without issue. 
Of course there is always the chance that when you get the "disk full" message, it actually IS full because it has expanded as much as it had been designated to be able to, either the 50Gb or 100GB. In that case, you would let me know and I will assign new limits to the drive, such as increasing the immediate capacity by 20GB and tell it that it can continue to expand as needed, up to an additional 50GB.

Sorry for bloviating, but just wanted you to understand how the shares work, so that if you come across this again, you know the steps to take to possibly get resolution quicker. If you have any questions, of course feel free to reach out.